Sl. No. Title of the Paper Author Name Journal Name Impact Factor Vol No. Issue No. Pages
1 Sol-gel synthesized mesoporous anatase titanium dioxide nanoparticles for dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC) applications Govindaraj, R.; Pandian, M. Senthil; Ramasamy, P.; Mukhopadhyay, Sumita BULLETIN OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 38 2 291
2 Silicon heterojunction solar cells with novel fluorinated n-type nanocrystalline silicon oxide emitters on p-type crystalline silicon Dhar, Sukanta; Mandal, Sourav; Das, Gourab; Mukhopadhyay, Sumita; Ray, Partha Pratim; Banerjee, Chandan; Barua, Asok Kumar JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 54 8
3 Investigations of tungsten carbide nanostructures treated with different temperatures as counter electrodes for dye sensitized solar cells (DSSC) applications Vijayakumar, P.; Senthil Pandian, M.; Lim, S. P.; Pandikumar, A.; Huang, N. M.; Mukhopadhyay, S.; Ramasamy, P. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS 26 10 7977
4 Synthesis of porous titanium dioxide nanorods/nanoparticles and their properties for dye sensitized solar cells Govindaraj, R.; Pandian, M. Senthil; Murugan, G. Senthil; Ramasamy, P.; Mukhopadhyay, Sumita JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS 26 4 2609
5 Fabrication of single junction amorphous silicon solar cell/mini module using novel n-type nanocrystalline SiOx:F:H back reflector Mandal, Sourav; Das, Gourab; Dhar, Sukanta; Tomy, Rajive M.; Mukhopadhyay, Sumita; Banerjee, Chandan; Barua, A. K. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS 26 1 331
6 Synthesis and characterizations of largesurface tungstenoxidenanoparticlesasanovelcounter electrode for dye-sensitized solarcell Vijayakumar, P.; Pandian, M. Senthil; Mukhopadhyay, Sumita; Ramasamy, P. JOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 75 3 487
7 Development of a novel fluorinated n-nc-SiO:H material for solar cell application Mandal, Sourav; Das, Gourab; Dhar, Sukanta; Tomy, Rajive M.; Mukhopadhyay, Sumita; Banerjee, Chandan; Barua, A. K. MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 157 130
8 Facile synthesis of tungsten carbide nanorods and its application as counter electrode in dye sensitized solar cells Vijayakumar, P.; Pandian, M. Senthil; Lim, S. P.; Pandikumar, A.; Huang, N. M.; Mukhopadhyay, S.; Ramasamy, P. MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING 39 292
9 Phase stability frustration on ultra nanosized anatase TiO2 S. Patra, C. Davoisne, H. Bouanfif, D. Foix, F. Sauvage Scientific reports 5 10928
10 Conducting polyfurans by electropolymerization of oligofurans D. Sheberla, S. Patra, Y. H. Wijsboom, S. Sharma, Y. Sheynin, Abd-Elrazek H-Yahia Adva, H. Barak, O. Gidron, M. Bendikov Chem. Sci 6 360
11 Design of metal organic framework–enzyme based bioelectrodes as a novel and highly sensitive biosensing platform S. Patra, T. H. Crespo, A. Permyakova, C. Sicard, C. Serre, A. Chausse, N. Steunou, L Legrand J. Mater. Chem B 3 8983-899
12 Investigation of different contact geometries for partial rear metal contact of high-efficiency silicon solar cells S. Mitra, H. Ghosh, H. Saha and S. K. Datta Journal of Physics D Applied Physics 48
13 Potential of ITO nanoparticles formed by hydrogen treatment in PECVD for improved performance of back grid contact crystalline silicon solar cell S. Mandal, S. Mitra, S. Dhar, H. Ghosh, C. Banerjee, S. K. Datta, and H. Saha Appl. Surf. Sci 349 116-122
14 Investigating the potential of nanoplasmonics for efficiency enhancement of wafer based crystalline silicon solar cells S. Das, A. Kundu, H. Saha, S. K. Datta Plasmonics 10 1895–1907
15 Fabrication and packaging of MEMS based platform for hydrogen sensor using ZnO – SnO2 composites B. Mondal, S. Maity, S. Das, D. Panda, H. Saha, A. Kundu Microsystem Technologies 21 1-8
16 Wide angle light collection with ultralow reflection and super scattering by silicon micro- nanostructures for thin crystalline silicon solar cell applications A. Kundu, S. Das, H. Saha, and S. K. Datta Journal of Optics 18 15903
17 Enhanced sensing properties of ZnO-SnO2 based composite type gas sensor H. Saha, B. Mondal, J. Das, C. Roychaudhuri, N. Mukherjee Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys 73 10301
18 Functionalized ZnO/ZnO2 n-N straddling heterostructure achieved by oxygen plasma bombardment for highly selective methane sensing S. Ghosh, R. Bhattacharya, H. Saha, C. RoyChaudhuri, N. Mukherjee Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys 17 27777-27788
19 Enhancement of electroactive E. Kar, N. Bose, S. Das, N. Mukherjee, S. Mukherjee Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys 17 22784-22798