Sl. No. Title of the Paper Author Name Journal Name Impact Factor Vol No. Issue No. Pages
1 Design, Fabrication and simulation of coplanar microheater using Nickel alloy for low temperature gas sensor applications Sunipa Roy, TanusreeMajhi, AvraKundu, C. K. Sarkar and H.Saha Sensor Letters 9 1-8
2 A study on the structural and mechanical properties of nanocrystallineCuS thin films grown by chemical bath deposition technique Nillohit Mukherjee, Arijit Sinha, Gobinda Gopal Khan, Debraj Chandra, AsimBhaumik and AnupMondal Materials Research Bulletin 6 46
3 Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline zinc sulphide via zinc thiobenzoate lutidine single-source precursor Swarup Kumar Maji, Nillohit Mukherjee, AnupMondal BibhutoshAdhikary, BasudebKarmakar and SupriyaDutta organicaChimicaActa 20 371
4 Synthesis of nanocrystalline and mesoporous zinc sulphide from a single precursor Zn(SOCCH)3 2Lut 2 complex Swarup Kumar Maji, Nillohit Mukherjee, BibhutoshAdhikary and BasudebKarmakar Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 72 784
5 Experimental study on electron field emission,Raman scattering, and low temperature electrical properties of nanocrystalline lead selenide thin films Nillohit Mukherjee, Sk. F Ahmed, Swarup Kumar Maji and AnupMondal Journal of Applied Physics 109 104312
6 Deposition of nanocrystallineCuS thin film from a single precursor: Structural, optical and electrical properties Swarup Kumar Maji, Nillohit Mukherjee, AnupMondal BibhutoshAdhikary and BasudebKarmakar Materials Chemistry and Physics 130 392
7 CuO nano-whiskers: electrodeposition Raman analysis, photoluminescence study and photocatalytic activity Nillohit Mukherjee, Bibhutibhushan Show, Swarup Kumar Maji UtpalMadhu, Sanjib Kumar Bhar, Bibhas Chandra Mitra,Gobinda Gopal Khan and AnupMondal Materials Letters 65 3248
8 Green Energy Selection Based on Multi-Criteria Analysis A .Datta¸ A . Ray, G Bhattacharya and H. Saha , Emerald International Journal of Energy Sector Management 5 271
9 Photonic crystal slab waveguide-based infiltrated liquid sensors: design and analysis Shruti R.K Sinha, R.Bhattacharyya Journal of Nanophotonics 5 53505
10 Silicon rich silicon oxide films deposited by RF PECVD method: Optical and structural properties SumitaMukhopadhyayand Swati Ray, J. Cryst Growth 257 9717