List of Publications :
1. Study of Silver Sulphide Nanoparticle Decorated SiNW Array on Multi-c-Si Wafer”,
Sudarshana Banerjee, Soma Ray, Utpal Gangopadhyay, Hiranmay Saha, Nillohit
Mukherjee, Materials Today Proceedings, Volume 5, Issue 3, Part 3, 2018, Pages
2. Mathematical Modelling of bifacial dual SIS solar cell and optimization of tilt angle,
Dasgupta, K., Mondal, A. & Gangopadhyay, U, Silicon (2022).
3. Advancement and Challenges for Schottkey Barrier MIS/SIS Solar Cells: A
Review, Dasgupta, K., Chowdhury, K., Mondal, A. et al., Trans Indian Natl. Acad. Eng.
4. Mathematical modelling of a novel heterojunction SIS front surface and
interdigitated back?contact solar cell, Dasgupta, K., Mondal, A., Ray, S &
Gangopadhyay, U., J Comput Electron 20, 1779–1806 (2021).
5. Mathematical Modelling of a Novel Hetero-junction Dual SIS ZnO-Si-SnO Solar
Cell, Dasgupta, K., Mondal, A., Ray, & Gangopadhyay, U, Silicon (2021).
6. Performance analysis of crystalline-Si solar cell using MATLAB simulation,
Kaustuv Dasgupta & Gangopadhyay, U, Materials Today: Proceedings,, Volume
39, Part 5, 2021, Pages 1894-1898, ISSN 2214-7853,
7. Soma Ray, Suchismita Banerjee, Hemanta Ghosh, Anup Mondal, Chandan
Banerjee, Hiranmoy Saha,Utpal Gangopadhyay, “Novel Technique for Large Area
(156mm×156mm) n-type Black Silicon Solar Cell by Formation of Nano-grass after
8. Diffusion Process”, Published in journal of material science ; materials in
electronics, vol-32,2021,pp-1-11
9. 60 embedded diamond-like nanocomposite thin film, Sukhendu Jana, Sayan Das,
Debasish De, Nanda Shakti, Anup Mondal, Sekhar Bhattacharya, Utpal
Gongopadhyay, Carbon Letters, Springer, 2021, Pages 1-8.
10. Effect of diamond-like nanocomposite as antireflection layer on multi-crystalline
silicon solar cells, Debasish De, Kalyan Adhikary, Sukhendu Jana, Sayan Das,
UtpalGangopadhyay, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 39, Part 5, 2021, Pages
11. Soma Ray, Anup Mondal, Utpal Gangopadhyay, Fabrication of low cost nano-
grass n-type C-Si solar cell with sol–gel Al2O3 passivation, SN Applied Sciences, vol-2
(11), pp-1-9,2020
12. Soma Ray, Anup Mondal, Utpal Gangopadhyay, Optimization and characterization
of silicon nano?grass antireflection layer on textured silicon wafer, Applied Physics
A, vol-126, pp-399,2020
13. Soma Ray, Baishakhi Pal, Hemanta Ghosh, Suchismita Mitra, Anup Kumar
Mondal, Chandan Banerjee, Hiranmoy Saha, Utpal Gangopadhyay, “Effect of
Induced Charges on the Performance of Different Dielecteric Layers of c-Si Solar
Cell by Experimental and Theoretical Approach”, Journal of Silicon,vol-12, pp-
2601–2609, 2020
14. Sayan Das, Sukhendu Jana, Debasish De, Utpal Gangopadhyay and Anup
Mondal, “Low temperature growth of diamond-like nanocomposite films prepared
by PACVD from Ar diluted siloxane plasma,” Mater. Res. Express , vol. 6, pp.
115614, Oct, 2019.
15. Sukhendu Jana, Sayan Das, Debasish De, Anup Mondal and Utpal
Gangopadhyay, "Diamond-like nanocomposite: a novel promising carbon based
thin film as antireflection and passivation coating for silicon solar cell" , Mater. Res.
Express, Vol. 5, PP 025601, Feb 2018.
16. S Banerjee, S Ray, U Gangopadhyay, H Saha, N Mukherjee, “Study of Silver
Sulphide Nanoparticle Decorated SiNW Array on Multi-c-Si Wafer” Materials
Today: Proceedings vol-5 (3), pp-10016-10022,2018
17. Kalyan Adhikary, Sayan Das, Debasish De, Anup Mondal, Utpal Gangopadhyay,
Sukhendu Jana, "Characterization and applications of diamond-like
nanocomposites: a brief review", Characterization and Application of
Nanomaterials , Vol. 1, 2018.
18. “Texturization of multi c-Si Without Conventional Alkaline and Acidic Solution for
Solar Cell Processing”, Baishakhi Pal, Soma Ray, Sukhendu Jana, Sayan Das,
Utpal Gangopadhyay, Partha Pratim Ray, Materials Today Proceedings, Volume 4,
Issue 14, 2017, Pages 12684-12688.
19. “Multi crystalline Texturing by Novel Bicomponent Etching Solution”, Subhadeep
Nandy, Sekhar Bhattachrya, Utpal Gangopadhyay, Materials Today Proceedings,
Volume 4, Issue 14, 2017.
20. “Review on Different Front Surface Modification of Both n+pp+ and p+nn+
Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell”, Kaustuv Dasgupta, Soma Ray,Anup Mondal, Utpal
Gangopadhyay, Materials Today Proceedings, Volume 4, Issue 14, 2017, Pages
21. “Fabrication of Nanowire on micro Textured Crystalline Silicon Wafer Before and
After Diffusion Process: A comparative study of solar cell performance”, Soma Ray
Sugato Ghosh, Hemanta Ghosh, Suchismita Mitra, Chandan Banerjee, Anup
Kumar Mondal, Hiranmoy Saha, Sukhendu Jana, Sayan Das, Baishakhi Pal, Utpal
Gangopadhyay, Materials Today Proceedings, Volume 4, Issue 14, 2017, Pages
23. “N-acetyle cysteine assisted synthesis of core-shell Ag2S with enhanced light
transmission and diminished reflectance : Surface modifier for c-SiNx solar cells”,
Sudarshana Banerjee, Bibhutibhushan Show, Avra kundu, Juma ganguly, Gutpal
Gangopadhyay, Hiranmay Saha, Nillohit Mukerjee, Journal of Industrial and
Engineering Chemistry, 40(2016) 54-61.
24. “Expedition to Nanosynthesis : A Review , P.Chowdhury, A. Banerjee,
U.Gangopadhyay, S.Ray, International Journal of Nanomaterials and
Nanostructures, Vol.2, Issue-1(2016),p1-23.
25. “State of Art of Supercapacitor,S Ray, S Garain, S Das, S Jana, D De, U
Gangopadhyay,International Journal of Research in Computer Engineering &
Electronics 3 (5),2014.
26. Effect of annealing on structural and optical properties of diamond-like
nanocomposite thin films,S Jana, S Das, D De, U Gangopadhyay, P Ghosh, A
Mondal, Applied Physics A, Vol. 114 (3), 965-972, 2014.
27. A Novel Room Temperature Ammonia Gas Sensor Based on Diamond-Like
nanocomposite/c-Silicon Heterojunction,S Das, S Jana, D De, U Gangopadhyay, S
Garain, S Ray, A Mondal, ...Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 479-482, 2014
28. Encapsulation of SiNWs Array with Diamond-like Nanocomposite Thin Film for
Ultra-low Reflection,S Jana, S Das, D De, S Garain, S Ray, U Gangopadhyay, P
Ghosh, ...Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 327-330,2014.
29. “Novel and efficient texturing approach for large-scale industrial production line of
large- area monocrystalline silicon solar cell ” U. Gangopadhyay, S. Jana, S. Das
and P. Ghosh, Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Vol. 2, Issue. 4,
pages 9, June, 2013.
30. “State of Art of Solar Photovoltaic Technology”, U.Gangopadhyay, S. Jana and S.
Das,Conference Papers in Energy, May, 2013.
31. “Antireflective Nanocomposite Based Coating on Crystalline Silicon Solar
Cells for Building-Integrated Photovoltaic Systems”, U.Gangopadhyay, S. Jana, S.
Das, S.Garain and S. Ray,Conference Papers in Energy, May, 2013.
32. “Anti-reflective nanocomposite based coating for crystalline silicon solar cells
with noticeable significance”, U.Gangopadhyay, S. Jana, S. Das, P.Ghosh,
A.Mondal,Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Vo. 5, 031607, May,
33. “Deposition and characterization of diamond-like nanocomposite coatings grown
by plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition over different substrate
materials”, A. K.Mallik, N.Dandapat, P.Ghosh, U.Ganguly, S. Jana, S. Das,
K.Guha, G.Rebello, S. K.Lahiri, S.Datta, Bulletin of Materials Science, Vol. 36,
Issue. 2, pp193-202, April, 2013.
34. “Efficiency enhancement of Solar Cell by introduction of Cerium Oxide along with
Silicon Nitride ”, U Gangopadhyay, S Ray, E Panda, S Jana, S
Das,International Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Vol.2, Issue.2,
pp46-50, March, 2013.
35. “A clue to understand environmental influence on friction and wear of
diamond-like nanocomposite thin film”, S. Jana, S. Das, U.Gangopadhyay,
A.Mondal, and P.Ghosh, Advances in Tribology, Vol. 2013, March, 2013.
36. “Large-area crystalline silicon solar cell using novel antireflective nanoabsorber
texturing surface by multi hollow cathode plasma system and spin-on doping”,
U.Gangopadhyay, S. Jana, S. Das, ISRN Renewable Energy, Vol. 2013, 738326,
March, 2013.
37. “State of Art of Nanotechnology”, P.Ghosh, U.Gangopadhyay, S.Das, andS.Jana,
International Journal of Engineering Research and Development,
Vol. 3 Issue. 9, pp 95-112, Sept., 2012.
38. “Study of ICP-CVD grown Amorphous and Microcrystalline Silicon thin films
in HIT structure”, U.Gangopadhyay, S. Jana, and S. Das,International Journal
of Engineering Research and Development, Vol. 2, Issue. 10, pp48-52, Aug.,
39. “Comparative simulation study between n-type and p-type Silicon Solar Cells
and the variation of efficiency of n-type Solar Cell by the application of passivation
layer with different thickness using AFORS HET and PC1D”,U Gangopadhyay, S
Roy, S Garain, S Jana, S Das,ISOR Journal of Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue. 8, pp
41-48, Aug., 2012.
40. “Feasibility of n-type crystalline silicon wafer for fabricating Industrial Silicon Solar
Cell with significant acceptable efficiency in near future”, U Gangopadhyay, S
Das, S Jana, P Ghosh, ISOR Journal of Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue. 7, pp 1-6, July,
41. Frequency response of Diamond-like Nanocomposite thin film based MIM
capacitor and equivalent circuit modeling,S. Jana, S. Das, U.Gangopadhyay, and
P.Ghosh, IOSR JEEE, Vol. 1, Issue 2, pp 46-50, 2012.
42. Application of CBD Zinc Sulfide Film as an Antireflection Coating on Very Large
Area Multi-crystalline Silicon Solar Cell” by "U. Gangopadhyay, K Kim, S K
Dhungel, H Saha and J Yi" Advances in OptoElectronics, ,(2007) pages 1- 5).
43. “Novel low cost approach for removal of surface contamination before texturization
of commercial monocrystalline silicon solar cells”, U. Gangopadhyay, S. K.
Dhungel, A. K. Mondal, H. Saha, J. Yi, Accepted on dated 29th March 2007 in
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells.
44. “Novel low cost approach for removal of surface contamination before texturization
of commercial monocrystalline silicon solar cells”, U. Gangopadhyay, S. K.
Dhungel, A. K. Mondal, H. Saha, J. Yi, Accepted on dated 29th March 2007 in
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells.
45. “Black silicon layer formation for application in solar cells”, J.S. Yoo, I.O. Parm, U.
Gangopadhyay, Kyunghae Kim, S.K. Dhungel, D. Mangalaraj and Junsin Yi , Solar
Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 90, ( 2006), Pages 3085-3093.
46. “Role of hydrazine monohydrate during texturization of large-area crystalline silicon
solar cell fabrication”, U. Gangopadhyay, Kyunghae Kim, Ajoy mandol, Junsin Yi
and H. Saha, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 90, ( 2006),Pages3094-
47. “Low-cost texturization of large-area crystalline silicon solar cells using hydrazine
mono-hydrate for industrial use”, U. Gangopadhyay, K. Kim, S.K. Dhungel, P.K.
Basu and J. Yi, Renewable Energy, 31, (2006), Pages 1906- 1915.
48. “A novel low cost texturization method for large area commercial mono-crystalline
silicon solar cells” U. Gangopadhyay, K.H. Kim, S.K. Dhungel, U. Manna, P.K.
Basu, M. Banerjee, H. Saha and Junsin Yi, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells,
Volume 90, Issue 20, 15 December 2006, Pages 3557-3567
49. “Modeling and simulation of layer-transferred thin silicon solar cell with quasi
monocrystalline porous silicon as active layer” M. Banerjee, S.K. Dutta, U.
Gangopadhyay, D. Majumdar and H. Saha, Solid-State Electronics, 49(2005),
Pages 1282-1291.
50. “Comparative Study of Different Approaches of Multicrystalline Silicon Texturing for
Solar Cell Fabrication” ,U.Gangopadhyay, S.K.Dhungel, P.K.Basu,S.K.Dutta,
H.Saha and J. Yi, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 91 (2007) 285–289
51. “Low cost CBD ZnS antireflection coating on large area commercial mono-
crystalline silicon solar cells U. Gangopadhyay, Kyunghae Kim, D. Mangalaraj and
Junsin Yi Applied Surface Science, 230,(2004),Pages 364- 370.
52. “Design optimization of a high performance silicon MEMS piezoresistive pressure
sensor for biomedical applications” C Pramanik, H Saha and U Gangopadhyay J.
Micromech. Microeng. 16(2006}, pages2060-2066 .
53. “Improved contacts on a porous silicon layer by electroless nickel plating and
copper thickening”, J Kanungo, C Pramanik, S Bandopadhyay, U Gangopadhyay,
L Das, H Saha and Robert T T Gettens . Semicond. Sci.
54. “An integrated pressure and temperature sensor based on Nan crystalline porous
silicon “C Pramanik, H Saha and U Gangopadhyay J. Micromech. Microeng. 16
55. “Novel low cost chemical texturing for very large area industrial multi-crystalline
silicon solar cells”, U Gangopadhyay, S K Dhungel, K Kim, U Manna, P K Basu, H
J Kim, B Karunagaran, K S Lee, J S Yoo and J Yi”, Semicond. Sci. Technol.
20(2005), pages938-946.
56. “A novel approach for co-firing optimization in RTP for the fabrication of large area
mc-Si solar cell” Kyunghae Kim, Suresh Kumar Dhungel, Utpal Gangopadhyay,
Jinsu Yoo, Choi Won Seok and Junsin Yi, Thin Solid Films, 26(2006),Pages228-
57. “Novel low cost approach for removal of surface contamination before texturization
of commercial monocrystalline silicon solar cells”, U. Gangopadhyay, S. K.
Dhungel, A. K. Mondal, H. Saha, J. Yi, Accepted on dated 29th March 2007 in
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells.
58. “Black silicon layer formation for application in solar cells”, J.S. Yoo, I.O. Parm, U.
Gangopadhyay, Kyunghae Kim, S.K. Dhungel, D. Mangalaraj and Junsin Yi , Solar
Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 90, ( 2006), Pages 3085-3093.
59. “Role of hydrazine monohydrate during texturization of large-area crystalline silicon
solar cell fabrication”, U. Gangopadhyay, Kyunghae Kim, Ajoy mandol, Junsin Yi
and H. Saha, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 90, ( 2006),Pages3094-
60. “Low-cost texturization of large-area crystalline silicon solar cells using hydrazine
mono-hydrate for industrial use”, U. Gangopadhyay, K. Kim, S.K. Dhungel, P.K.
Basu and J. Yi, Renewable Energy, 31, (2006), Pages 1906- 1915.
61. “A novel low cost texturization method for large area commercial mono-crystalline
silicon solar cells” U. Gangopadhyay, K.H. Kim, S.K. Dhungel, U. Manna, P.K.
Basu, M. Banerjee, H. Saha and Junsin Yi, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells,
Volume 90, Issue 20, 15 December 2006, Pages 3557-3567
62. “Modeling and simulation of layer-transferred thin silicon solar cell with quasi
monocrystalline porous silicon as active layer” M. Banerjee, S.K. Dutta, U.
Gangopadhyay, D. Majumdar and H. Saha, Solid-State Electronics, 49(2005),
Pages 1282-1291.
63. “Comparative Study of Different Approaches of Multicrystalline Silicon Texturing for
Solar Cell Fabrication” ,U.Gangopadhyay, S.K.Dhungel, P.K.Basu,S.K.Dutta,
H.Saha and J. Yi, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 91 (2007) 285–289
64. “Low cost CBD ZnS antireflection coating on large area commercial mono-
crystalline silicon solar cells U. Gangopadhyay, Kyunghae Kim, D. Mangalaraj and
Junsin Yi Applied Surface Science, 230,(2004),Pages 364- 370.
65. “Design optimization of a high performance silicon MEMS piezoresistive pressure
sensor for biomedical applications” C Pramanik, H Saha and U Gangopadhyay J.
Micromech. Microeng. 16(2006}, pages2060-2066 .
66. “Improved contacts on a porous silicon layer by electroless nickel plating and
copper thickening”, J Kanungo, C Pramanik, S Bandopadhyay, U Gangopadhyay,
L Das, H Saha and Robert T T Gettens . Semicond. Sci.
67. “An integrated pressure and temperature sensor based on Nan crystalline porous
silicon “C Pramanik, H Saha and U Gangopadhyay J. Micromech. Microeng. 16
68. “Novel low cost chemical texturing for very large area industrial multi-crystalline
silicon solar cells”, U Gangopadhyay, S K Dhungel, K Kim, U Manna, P K Basu, H
J Kim, B Karunagaran, K S Lee, J S Yoo and J Yi”, Semicond. Sci. Technol.
20(2005), pages938-946.
69. “A novel approach for co-firing optimization in RTP for the fabrication of large area
mc-Si solar cell” Kyunghae Kim, Suresh Kumar Dhungel, Utpal Gangopadhyay,
Jinsu Yoo, Choi Won Seok and Junsin Yi, Thin Solid Films, 26(2006),Pages228-
70. “Ni B deposits on p-silicon using borohydride as a reducing agent” Anup Mondal,
Sabyashachi Nath, Ashok Mondal, Sikha Bandopadhyay, Utpal Gangopadhyay
and Hiranmay Saha, Materials Research Bulletin, 39, (2004), Pages2187-2192.
71. “Growth of Ni-B films on n-silicon” Anup Mondal, Sabyashachi Nath, Ashok
Mondal, Sikha Bandopadhyay, Utpal Gangopadhyay, Hiranmay Saha physica
status solidi (a) 202,(2005),Pages1786-1792.
72. “Porous silicon as Pressure Sensing Materials”, U. Gangopadhyay, C. Pramanik,
H. Saha, Kyunghae Kim, J. Yi, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 47 (2005),
page S450-s453.
73. “Effect of Novel Surface Treatment on Large-Area Low-Cost SOD Diffused
Monocrystalline Silicon Solar Cells” Journal of the Korean Physical Society,
47 (2005), page 1035-1040.
74. “Novel Low-Cost Technique of Emitter-Junction Optimization in Silicon Solar
Cells” ” Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 47 (2005), page 1237-1042.
75. Thin Silicon Solar Cell using quasi mono-crystalline porous silicon as active layer”
U. Gangopadhyay, M. Banerjee, S. K. Dhungel, K. Kim, U. Manna, S. K. Dutta, H.
Saha, J. Yi, 20th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 6 – 10 June
2005, Barcelona, Spain, p 390.
76. “Low cost texturing approach for large area crystalline large area crystalline silicon
Solar Cells, U.Gangopadhyay, S.K. Dhungel, K.Kim, and Junsin Yi, 20 European
Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 6 –10 June 2005, Barcelona, Spain, 1363.
77. “ Comparative study of different approaches of multi-crystalline silico texturing for
Solar Cell”, U.Gangopadhyay, S.K.Dhungel, K.Kim, U. Manna, and J. Yi, 20th
European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 6 –10 June 2005, Barcelona,
Spain, 1367.
78. “Large area black silicon solar cell using multi-hollow cathode plasma system and
spin-on doping,” U.Gangopadhyay, I.O.Parm, Kyunghae Kim and J.Yi, Proceeding
of International conference CODIS-2004,8-10th January,2004, at Park Hotel,
Kolkata, India.
79. “In-situ doped spin-on Film for anti-reflection coating”, U.Gangopadhyay, K.Kim,
S.K.Dhungel,D. Mangalaraj and J.Yi, Technical Digest in the 14th international
PVSEC-14, Bangkok, Thailand, January 26-30, 2004.
80. “Spin-on doped and Electroless plated plated Bifacial silicon solar cells”,
U.Gangopadhyay, K.H.Kim, J.S.Yoo, D.Mangalaraj and J.Yi, Technical Digest in
the 14th international PVSEC-14, Bangkok, Thailand, January 26-30, 2004.
81. “Potential of quasi monocrystalline porous silicon(QMPS) layer for thin solar cell
application”, M.Banerjee, D.Majumder, U.Gangopadhyay, S.K.Dutta, and H.Saha,
Technical Digest in the 14th international PVSEC-14, Bangkok, Thailand,
January 26-30, 2004.
82. “Role of hydrazine mono-hydrate during texturization of large area crystalline
Silicon solar cell fabrication,” U.Gangopadhyay, K.Kim, J.Yi, A.Kandol and
H.Saha, Technical Digest in the 14th international PVSEC-14, Bangkok, Thailand,
83. Black Silicon layer formation for application in Solar cell”, U.Gangopadhyay,
K.Kim, S.K.Dhungel, D.Mangalaraj, I.O.Parm and J.Yi, Technical Digest in th 14th
international PVSEC-14, Bangkok, Thailand, January 26-30, 2004.
84. “Microcontroller based solar photovoltaic charging unit for central charging
system,”G.Bhattacharyya, S.K.Ghosh, A.Mandal, U.Gangopadhyay,
K.Mukhopadhyay and H.Saha, Technical Digest in the 14th international PVSEC-
14, Bangkok, Thailand, January 26-30, 2004.
85. “Thin silicon solar cell using quasi monocrystalline porous silicon as active layer”.
M.Banerjee, D. Majumdar, S.K. Dutta, U. Gangopadhyay, J. Yi and H. Saha,
accepted at porous semiconductors science and technology (PSST) 4th Int. Conf.
March, 14-19, 2004, Cullera-Valencia, Spain.
86. “Porous Silicon Pressure Sensor”, C.Pramanik, U.Gangopadhyay, J.Yi and
H.Saha, accepted at porous semiconductors science and technology (PSST) 4th
Int. Conf. March14-19, 2004, Cullera-Valencia, Spain.
87. “An intelligent vapour sensing of Porous Silicon Sensor Array”, T.Islam,
C.Pramanik, U. Gangopadhyay, H.Saha, accepted at porous semiconductors
science and technology (PSST) 4th Int. Conf. March14-19, 2004, Cullera-Valencia,
88. “ High-Temperature Crystallization of Amorphous Silicon on a Molybdenum
Substrate”, Do Young Kim, Jae Kyung KO, Joong Hyun Park, Utpal
Gangopadhyay and Junsin Yi, Solid State Phenomena Vol. 93(2003), pp.219-224.
89. “Anti-Reflection Properties of In-Situ Doped Spin-On Film”, U.Gangopadhyay,
Kyunghae Kim, J.H.Park, S.K.Dhungel, D.Mangalaraj, and J.Yi, Tans. On Electrical
and Electronic Materials, Vol.4 no.6 December 2003.
90. “Black Silicon Layer Formation using Radio-Frequency Multi-Hollow Cathode
Plasma system and its application in Solar Cell”, U.Gangopadhyay, Kyunghae Kim,
S.K.Dhungel, D.Mangalaraj, J.H.Park and J. Yi, Trans. On Electrical and Electronic
Materials, Vol.4, No.5, October 2003.
91. “Large area mono-crystalline silicon solar cell using SOD”, U.Gangopadhyay,
S.Park,K.Kim,J.Park,D.Kim and J.Yi , Proceeding of 3rd world conference on
Photovoltaic Energy Conversion,Osaka,Japan,May 11-18,2003.
92. “Study the Properties of Silicon Nitride Films prepared by High Density Plasma
Chemical Vapor Deposition”, Utpal Gangopadhyay, Do Young Kim, Igor
Oskarovich Parm,Kaustuv Chakrabarty,Chi Hyung Kim, Myung Suk Shim and
Junsin Yi, Proceding of 3rd international meeting on information display, Exhibition
& Convention Centre, Daegu, Korea, July 9-11, 2003.
93. “The study of silicon etching using the high density hollow cathode plasma
system”, Jinsu Yoo, Junhoi Lee, U.Gangopadhyay, Kyunghae Kim, and Junsin Yi,
Proceding of 3rd international meeting on information display, Exhibition &
Convention Centre, Daegu, Korea, July 9-11, 2003.
94. “Modified technique of using conventional slider boat for liquid phase epitaxy of
silicon for solar cell application”, D.Majumder, S.Chatterjee, U.Gangopadhyay and
H.Saha, Bull.Mater. Sci. Vol.26. No.6. October 2003, pp. 643-654.
95. “Layer Transfer Process in Thin Silicon Solar Cell: Current Trends and
Possibilities”, D.Majumder, S.Chatterjee, U.Gangopadhyay and H.Saha, SESI
Journal 12(1);1-15(2002).
96. “Screen printed contacts formation by rapid thermal annealing in multicrystalline
silicon solar cells”, Kyung hae kim, U.Gangopadhyay, Chang soon Han,
K.Chakrabarty and J.Yi, Journal of the Korean Vacuum Science &
Technology,Vol.6,No. 3,2002,pp.120-125.
97. “High temperature poly-Si thin film transistors on a molybdenum substrate,” Do
Young Kim, Utpal Gangopadhyay, Joong Hyun Park, Jae Kyung KO, Junsin Yi,
Proceding of 2nd international meeting on information display, Exhibition &
Convention Centre, Daegu, Korea, August 21-23, 2002.
98. “Front Grid Design for Solar cell using plated contact”, U.Gangopadhyay etal.,
Proc. Of 29th IEEE PVSC, New Orleans, May 20-24, 2002.
99. “High density Hollow Cathode Plasma Etching for Large area Multicrystal Silicon
Solar Cell”, U. Gangopadhyay etal., Proc. Of 29th IEEE PVSC, New Orleans,
May 20-24, 2002.
100. “ Silicon Heterojunction with ICP CVD grown amorphous and microcrystalline
silicon thin films”, U. Gangopadhyay etal., accepted for presentation in the E-MRS
Spring Meeting,18-21 June 2002 ,Strasbourg,France: to be published in Thin solid film.
101. “High temperature poly-Si thin film transistors on a molybdenum substrate”,
U.Gangopadhyay etal., accepted in the second International Meeting on
Information Display (IMID), August 21-23, 2002, EXCO, Daegu, Korea.
102. “A low temperature mc-Si film growth using an RPCVD system”, U.
Gangopadhyay etal., accepted for presentation in the E-MRS Spring Meeting,18-
21 June 2002 ,Strasbourg,France: to be published in Thin solid film.
103. “Layer transferred quantum monocrystalline porous silicon or thin silicon
solar cell”, D. Majumdar, S. Chatterjee, J. Das, U. Gangopadhyay, S.K. Dutta & H
Saha, The con. Rec. o the 29th IEEE PVSC, 21-24 May, 2002 (New Orlens,IEEE
Electron Device Society, USA) pp. 1210-1213.
104. “Layer transfer process in thin silicon solar cell: current trends and
possibilities”, D. Majumder, S. Chatterjee, U. Gangopadyay and H. Saha, Journal of
solar energy society of India, 12 (2002) 1-15.
105. “IC Silicon Solar Cell- Design and Fabrication”, U.Gangopadhyay etal.,
Proc. PVSEC –12, Dept. of Physics, Kyung Hee University, Seoul 130-701, Korea
106. “Thin silicon solar cell in LPE grown layer in improvised slider boat, crystal
growth & characteristics”, D. Majumdar, S. Chatterjee, U. Gangopadhyay & H. Saha,
(Proc. Intl. Workshop. Prep. & Charac. Tech. Imp. Single Crystals) eds. S.K. Gupta,
S.K. Halar & G. Bhagvannarayana, NPL, New Delhi, Feb. 26- 28, 2001,
107. “Characterization & defect studies of LPE layers of silicon grown on
substrates undergoing various surface treatment, crystal growth and
characterization”, S. Chatterjee, D. Majumdar, U. Gangopadhyay & H. Saha, (Proc. Intl.
Workshop Prep. & charac. Tech. Imp. Single crystals) Feb. 26-28, (2001) pp.532-
106. “Thin Silicon Solar Cell by layer transfer processing porous silicon, physics
of semiconductor devices,” vol. 1, D. Majumar, J. Das, S. Chatterjee, U.
Gangopadhyay and H. Saha, 1 (proc. 11th International Workshop in physics of
semiconductor devices, N. Delhi, India, Dec. 16-18, 2001) eds. V. Kumar & P.K. Basu,
Allied publishers, N. Delhi, India) pp. 108-111.
107. "Open circuit voltage enhancement of silicon solar cell through active
porous layer formation", U.Gangopadhyay etal.,accepted in sixteenth European
Photovoltaic Solar EnergyConference and Exhibition, 1-5th May, 2000 at Glasgow,
108. ”Integrated low current high voltage thin crystalline solar cells",
U.Gangopadhyay etal., accepted in sixteenth European Photovoltaic Solar Energy
Conference and Exhibition, 1-5th May, 2000 at Glasgow, U.K.
109. “LPE growth of silicon for photonic devices, proc. Intl. Conf. On Fibre Optics
& Photonics”, H. Saha, D. Majumddar, S. Chatterjee, U. Gangopadhyay and A.K.
Mondal, Calcutta, Dec. 18-20, 2000 (Applied publishers Ltd., N. Delhi, India) pp.
110. "Role of drift field in thin silicon solar cell developed by liquid phase epitaxial
method", U.gangopadhyay etal., accepted in tenth international workshop on Physics of
semiconductor device, December 14-18, 1999 SSPL, Delhi, India.
111. "Capacitive type humidity sensor based on porous silicon",
U.Gangopadhyay etal., accepted in tenth international workshop on physics of
semiconductor device, December 14-18, 1999 SSPL, Delhi, India.
112. ”Active and passive porous silicon surface layer on n+p solar cell",
U.Gangopadhyay etal., accepted in tenth International workshop on physics of
Semiconductor device, December 14-18, 1999 SSPL, Delhi, India.
113. “Role of drift field in thin solar cell developed by liquid phase epitaxial
method, physics of semiconductor devices”, D. Majumder, S. Chatterjee, U.
Gangopadhyay and H. Saha, (Proc. Of 10th International workshop on physics of
semiconductor device, Dec. 14-18, 1999) eds, V. Kumar & S.K. Agarwal (Allied
publishers Ltd. N. Delhi, India) pp.1262-1265.
114. "A simple model to explain visible PL from porous silicon", U.Gangopadhyay
etal., accepted to international conference on computers and devices for communication
held on 14th January to 17th January, 1998 organized by the Institute of Radio
Physics and Electronics, University of Calcutta (India).
115. ”Design and fabrication of silicon micro machined infrared
sensor",U.Gangopadhyay etal., accepted to international conference on recent
trends in sensors development of monitoring environmental quality, Dec. 29-31,
1997, IIT Kharagpur, India.
116. “Front surface grid design of crystalline silicon solar cell for plated metal contact", U.
Gangopadhyay etal., Proc.of NSEC-1996, held at Jadavpur University, Calcutta,
December 27-28, (1996).
117. "Electroluminescence from Reverse Biased n+ junction silicon diode",
U.Gangopadhyay etal., 2nd West Bengal State Science Congress, 28th Feb. 2nd
March, 1995. Calcutta University, India.
118. "Photoluminescence and Photo conductivity of porous silicon", U.Gangopadhyay
etal., 2nd West Bengal State Science Congress, 28th Feb. - 2nd March, 1995, Calcutta
119. "Study of U Groove Structure as Power MOSFET", U.Gangopadhyay etal.,
Eight International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices, at NPL, Delhi
11-16 Dec. p.45(1995)
120. "The Effect of parasitic resistance's on the electrical characteristics of
amorphous silicon Thin Film Transistor", U.Gangopadhyay etal., Microelectronic
Journal, U.K., Vol. 25, p. 27-32,(1994).
121. "Porous silicon and its probable application",U. Gangopadhyay etal., 1st
WestBengal State Science Congress, 28th Feb. - 1st March, 1994 held at Indian
Institute of Chemical Biology, West Bengal.
122. Modeling of Temperature Dependence of Power Loss in Solar Cells",
U.Gangopadhyay etal., Proc.PVSEC-6, Delhi (1992).
123. "Design of low cost light weight PV Module",U.Gangopadhyay etal.,
accepted in the NSEC-92, Dec. 28-30, 1992, IIT Delhi.
124. ”Nickel Silicide Contact for Silicon Solar cells”, S.Bandopadhyay,
U.Gangopadhyay, K.Mukhopadhyay, H.Saha and A.P.Chatterjee, Bull. Mater.Sci.
Vol.15, No.5,(1992) pp.473-479.
125. ”Optimization of Monocrystalline Silicon Solar Cell", U.Gangopadhyay etal Proc.
National Solar Energy Convention, Pune. December, 15-18, (1991).
126. “Measurement of Solar Cell characteristic and different parameter using dta
acquisition systems and computer", U.Gangopadhyay etal., Proc. National Solar Energy
Convention, Pune, December, 15-18 (1991).
127. "Fabrication Technology of Amorphous Thin Film Transistor", U.Gangopadhyay
etal., Proc. IVth international Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Device, Delhi,
128. "Role of Texturisation on the performance of high efficiency silicon solar cells",
U.Gangopadhyay etal., Proc.National Solar Energy Convention December (1990).
129. “Spin-on Diffusion for silicon solar cell fabrication",U.Gangopadhyay etal., J of
IETE 34, 450.(1988).
130. "Ultra-low cost process for fabrication of single crystal silicon solar cell",
U.Gangopadhyay etal., Proc. 8th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Italy,
9-13 May, 1988.
131. "Transistor like Bi-facial silicon solar cell", U.Gangopadhyay etal., Proc. National
Solar Energy Convention, pp.138, (1988).
132. "Deposition and characterization of LPE grown thin polycrystalline silicon films for
solar cells", U.Gangopadhyay etal., accepted to International conference on 14th
January to 17th January, 1988 organized by the Institute of Radio Physics and
Electronics, University of Calcutta, India.
133. “Studies on the Electroluminescence of porous silicon from silicon wafers and
diodes”,U.Gangopadhyay etal., accepted to International conference on Computers and
devices held on14th January to17th January 1988 organized by the Institute of Radio
Physics and Electronics, University of Calcutta (India).
134. “Auto catalytic Nickel Plating of different silicon surfaces," U.Gangopadhyay etal.,
Indian J. Phys. 61A, 263 (1987).
135. “Roll of Doped Tin Oxide Coating on a silicon solar cell in concentration
Photovoltaic system", U.Gangopadhyay etal., SESE J. 1(2), 75 (1987).
136. "Optimization of Auto catalytic Palladium and NICKEL plating for silicon solar
cells", U.Gangopadhyay etal., Proc. Of the IVth National Seminar on Physics of
Semiconductor and devices, January 16-18, 1985.
Patents filed/Granted with details:
I) Title: A Process For Forming Solar Cells. Country: India Patent No. : 188 061
Date: 26 Th May, 1994
II) Title : An Integrated Pressure And Temperature Sensor Based On Porous
Silicon And Process For Making The Same . Patent No. 225971, Dated
; 03-12-2008.
III) Patient application no. 202231035259, date of filing : 22/06/2022, Published date
Journal no. 29/2022, Date: 22/07/2022Title of invention: A method for Deposition of C60 Embedded
Diamond –like nanocomposite thin Film. , Applicant Name: Dr. Sukhendu Jana, Dr. Sayan Das,
Debasish de and Dr. Utpal Ganguly
Books Published /Chapters contributed
I. The Chapter of the book “Recent Research trends about
texturization & light trapping in Solar Cell” “ Solar Cell Research
Trends” published (2008) by Nova Science Publishers Inc. , 400 Oser
Avenue, Suite 1600, Hauppauge, NY 11788.
II. Book name: “Texturization and Light Trapping in Silicon Solar Cell ”, Nova
Science Publishers Inc. (2009), NY 11788.