BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

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Contact : Dr. Ankur Bhattacharjee


Dr. Ankur Bhattacharjee did his Ph.D in Renewable Energy from Indian Institute of Engineering

Science and Technology, Shibpur in 2018. Presently he is working as Assistant Professor in the

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, India. He

has over 8 years of teaching and research experience in different areas of Electrical Engineering and

Renewable Energy. He has published 43 research articles in reputed International Journals (SCI),

International Conferences, Book chapters and a Book in the area of Renewable Energy. He filed 3

patents ad one of them has been granted in March, 2023. He is in active research collaboration with the

DST Solar PV Hub, IIEST Shibpur since last 5 years.

His present areas of research interest are; Solar PV, Battery Energy Storage Systems, Smart Microgrids,

Power Electronic Converters, and Electric Vehicles.