Prof. Dipali Banerjee
Specialisation / Research Area
Dept. of Physics
Summary Profile
I am currently serving as Professor, at the Department of Physics in IIEST, Shibpur. I completed my B.Sc (1978) in Physics from Hindu College (Delhi University) , M.Sc (1980) from Delhi University with specialisation in Experimental Solid State Physics and M. Phil in Polymer Physics under the supervision of Prof. V. S. Nanda from Delhi University. I obtained my P.hD degree from Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, (Jadavpur University) Kolkata (1990) under the supervision of Prof. R. Bhattacharya in the field of Expeimental Condensed Matter Physics. I was a post doctoral fellow of CSIR during 1991- 1995 when I worked in the field of fabrication and characterization of materials for application in solar cell with Prof A. K. Barua in Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science. Then I joined B. E. College (Deemed University), Shibpur as a Reader in 1995. From the year of 2003, I have been teaching as a Professor in IIEST, Shibpur. Our group, with of my supervisor, collaborators, faculty members of different research groups and all the members of my research group, we have published more than sixty research articles in various peer reviewed journals so far. Initially our main focus was on solid state properties of crystalline materials and some thin films but with the advent of nanostructure materials/composites our research interest has been synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials (inorganic & organic) including Graphene and Carbon nanotubes and composites to explore their synergistic properties for green energy generation and environmental remediation. Seven research projects funded by various government aided agencies like UGC, DST and DRDO have been successfully completed by our research group.
Research Interests
Synthesis and characterization of low dimensional materials
Technology of low dimensional/composite materials is a newly emerging and frontier challenging area of science and engineering. Our research mainly focus on synthesis of nanostructured inorganic,organic and composite materials and characterization of material for green energy generation and environmental remediation. As low dimensional materials exhibit shape, size and morphology dependent properties hence property enhancement of these material through controlled morphology is a practical challenge.
Nanomaterials for Green Energy Generation and environmetal remediation
We work on synthesis of materials like semi-metals, semiconductors(chacogenides), conducting polymers, carbon based materials (RGO and CNT) and their composites through different routes. Use of various surfactants induce unique shape, size and distribution of nanostructures which in turn impart novelty in the property of the material.Theoretical prediction for enhancement of thermoelectric figure of merit in nanostructured composite material has made it a rigorous task for the experimental researcher to develop such thermoelectric module for practical applications. The same composites when prepared by vaying the percentage of constituents, the material can be used as photocatalysts for waste water management and fuel cell application. Thin films of conducting polymers prepared through various routes show gas sensing properties. At present my research group is actively involved in synthesis and characterization of inorganic .organic and composite materials developed by hydrothermal, solvothermal, electrochemical, sol gel and chemical polymerization techniques for various applications.
Application of Nanomaterials
We are involved in the research area of thermoelectric, gas sensor, photocatalysis photovoltaic and fuel cell applications. A brief graphical representation of our research works is as follows:
- Reduction of graphene oxide through a green and metal-free approach:
Proposed reaction pathway for reduction of GO and HRTEM images & inset SAED of different FRGO sample
- Reduced graphene oxide-polyaniline composites for thermoelectric applications:
Mechanism of the formation of rGO–PANI composite Room temperature electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and fig. of merit
- Inorganic-organic hybrids for photoluminescence and visible-light assisted photo-degradation of organic contaminants:
- Morphology dependent ammonia sensing :
TEM image of nanostructure of SSA doped PANI synthesized by electrodeposition, Percentage response with time of SSA doped PANI and percentage response with surface to volume ratio
- Electrodeposited thin films for photocatalytic and thermoelectric applications:
- Conductivity of phosphoric acid: an in situ comparative study of proton in phosphoric acid fuel cell:
Unit PAFC experimental set-up with electrolyte electrode assembly Nyquist plots & Temperature dependence of proton conductivity
Academic Background
- Post Doc CSIR fellowship, IACS, Kolkata, India (1990-1995)
- Ph. D in Science, IACS, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India (1990)
- M. Phil, Delhi University (1981)
- M. Sc., Delhi University (1980)
- B. Sc., Delhi university (1978)
Contact Information
+91 033 2668 4561/62/63 (Extn. 429)
Awards and Honours
Other Professional Activities
Journal Publication
1 .Medha Rakshit, Debnarayan Jana, Dipali Banerjee, General strategies to improve thermoelectric performance with an emphasis on tin and germanium chalcogenides as thermoelectric materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022
2Prasenjit Chakraborty, Sk. Taheruddin Ahamed, Pinaki Mandal, Anup Mondal, Dipali Banerjee, Polypyrrole and a polypyrrole/nickel oxide composite – single-walled carbon nanotube enhanced photocatalytic activity under visible light, New Journal of Chemistry, 20223Pinaki Mandal, Uday Kumar Ghorui, Anup Mondal, Dipali Banerjee, Photoelectrochemical Performance of Tin Selenide (SnSe) Thin Films Prepared by Two Different Techniques, Electronic Materials Letters, 20224Shiladitya Acharyya, Sourav Sadhukhan, Tamalika Panda, Dibyendu Kumar Ghosh, Nabin Chandra Mandal, Anupam Nandi, Sukanta Bose, Gourab Das, Santanu Maity, Partha Chaudhuri, Hiranmay Saha, Dipali Banerjee, Dopant-free materials for carrier-selective passivating contact Solar cells: A Review, 28, 101687, Surfaces and Interfaces, 20225Shiladitya Acharyya, Sourav Sadhukhan, Tamalika Panda, Dibyendu Kumar Ghosh, Nabin Chandra Mandal, Anupam Nandi, Sukanta Bose, Gourab Das, Dipali Banerjee, Santanu Maity, Ph.D Partha Chaudhuri Hiranmay Saha, Performance analysis of different tunneling dielectrics for solar cells with TOPCON structure, Journal of Computational Electronics, 20226Sk. Taheruddin Ahamed, Chiranjit Kulsi, Kirti, Dipali Banerjee, Divesh Narayan Srivastavac , Anup Mondal, Synthesis of multifunctional CdSe and Pd quantum dot decorated CdSe thin films for photocatalytic,electrocatalytic and thermoelectric applications, Volume 25, 101149, Surfaces and Interfaces, 20217Kundu, S. , Majumder, R. , Ghosh, R. , ... Banerjee, D. , Pal Chowdhury, M., Relative humidity sensing properties of doped polyaniline-encased multiwall carbon nanotubes: wearable and flexible human respiration monitoring application, 55(9), 3884-3901, Journal of Material Science, 20208Pinaki Mandal , Bibhutibhushan Show , Sk. Taheruddin Ahmed , Dipali Banerjee and Anup Mondal, Visible-Light Active Electrochemically Deposited Tin Selenide Thin Films: Synthesis, Characterization and Photocatalytic Activity, 31, 4708–4718, Journals of Material Science: Materials in electronics, 20209Mousumi Mitra, Sk. Taheruddin Ahamed, Amrita Ghosh, Anup Mondal, Kajari Kargupta, Saibal Ganguly, and Dipali Banerjee, Polyaniline/Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite-Enhanced Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalytic Activity for the Degradation of Organic Dyes,, 4 (1), 1623–1635, ACS Omega, 201910Mukulika Jana Chatterjee , Sk Taheruddin Ahamed , Mousumi Mitra , Chiranjit Kulsi , Anup Mondal, Dipali Banerjee, Visible-Light Influenced Photocatalytic Activity of Polyaniline - Bismuth Selenide Composite for the Degradation of Methyl Orange, Rhodamine B and Malachite Green dyes”, 470, 472-483, Applied surface science, 201911Chiranjit Kulsi, Mousumi Mitra, Kajari Kargupta, Dipali Banerjee,, Thermoelectric properties of nanostructured bismuth telluride (Bi2Te3) with annealing time and its composite with reduced graphene oxide (RGO), 30, 1850 -1860, Journals of Material Science: Materials in electronics, 201912Shilpa Maity; Nayim Sepay; Chiranjit Kulsi; Arpan Kool; Sukhen Das; Dipali Banerjee; Krishanu Chatterjee,, Enhancement of thermoelectric performance in oligomeric PEDOT-SWCNT nanocomposite via band gap tuning, 3, 8992-8997, Chemistry Select, 201813Mousumi Mitra, Chiranjit Kulsi, Kajari Kargupta, Saibal Ganguly, Dipali Banerjee, “Composite of Polyaniline-Bismuth Selenide with Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance,” Jnal of Applied Polymer Science,, 135, 46887, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 201814Shubhanwita Saha, , Mousumi Mitra , Ananta Sarkara, Dipali Banerjee , Saibal Ganguly , Kajari Kargupta, 6. Lithium assisted enhanced hydrogenation of reduced graphene oxide-PANI nanocomposite at room temperature,, 84, 103–111, Diamond & Related Materials, 201815Priyanka Ghosh, Chandan Kumar Dhole, Saibal Ganguly, Dipali Banerjee and Kajari Kargupta, Portable smart highly proton conductive all inorganic gel paste electrolyte with optimum phosphorous to silicon ratio for enhanced, durable operation of fuel cell ,, 2, 1737–1748., Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 201816Mukulika Jana Chatterjee, Amrita Ghosh, Anup Mondal and Dipali Banerjee, “Polyaniline–single walled carbon nanotube composite – a photocatalyst to degrade rose bengal and methyl orange dyes under visible-light illumination”,, 7, 36403-36415, RSC Advances, 201717Chiranjit Kulsi, Kajari Kargupta, Saibal Ganguly, Dipali Banerjee,, 9. “Enhanced thermoelectric performance of n-type bismuth selenide doped with nickel”, 17, 1609-1615, Current Applied Physics, 201718Mousumi Mitra, Kajari Kargupta, Saibal Ganguly, Shyamaprosad Goswami and Dipali Banerjee, 10. , “Facile synthesis and thermoelectric properties of aluminum doped zinc oxide/polyaniline (AZO/PANI) hybrid”,, 228, 25–31, Synthetic Metals, 201719Mousumi Mitra, Amrita Ghosh, Anup Mondal, Kajari Kargupta, Saibal Ganguly and Dipali Banerjee,, “Facile synthesis of aluminium doped zinc oxide-polyaniline hybrids for photoluminescence and enhanced visible-light assisted photo-degradation of organic contaminants”, 418–428, Applied Surface Science, 201720S. Saha, A. Saha, L. Lepcha, S. Ganguly, D. Banerjee and K. Kargupta, “Graphene-rich G-Co-Ni nanomatrix;an optimized heterogeneous catalyst for hydrogen generation based on morphology performance mapping”, 2, 4309-4319, Chemistry Select, 201721Chiranjit Kulsi, Amrita Ghosh, Anup Mondal, Kajari Kargupta, Saibal Ganguly and Dipali Banerjee, “Enhanced photo catalytic performance of nickel doped bismuth selenide under visible light irradiation”, 4, 035902, Mater. Res. Express, 201722C. Kulsi, A. Ghosh, A. Mondal, K. Kargupta, S. Ganguly and D. Banerjee,, Remarkable photocatalytic degradation of malachite green by nickel doped bismuth selenide under visible light irradiation, 392, 540-548, Applied Surface Science, 2017
Book Chapter