Ph. D thesis defense and Viva-voce examination of Mr. Hiranmay Samanta

The PhD Viva-voce examination of Mr. Hiranmay Samanta  (Reg.No: PhD/R/2017/0120 dated 23.10.2017), pursuing Ph.D program at School of Advanced Materials, Green Energy and Sensor Systems (SAMGESS) (formally known as Centre of Excellence for Green Energy and Sensor Systems), Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST), Shibpur under the supervision of Prof. Hiranmay Saha,  Visiting Professor, SAMGESS, IIEST, Shibur and Prof. Konika Das Bhattacharyya, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIEST, Shibpur, on his Ph.D thesis entitled “Design and Development of Efficient Interfaces and Energy Management System for Smart Microgrid”  will be held on November 29, 2024, from 10:00 a.m.  onwards through hybrid mode at the Green Energy Laboratory, SAMGESS, IIEST, Shibpur.